Cover 2 College Football pod

Jim Harbaugh is stirring it up again but is it a real controversy? Jim Delany is complaining again but is he simply lobbying? Would changing the divisions actually do anything for the Big Ten? The ACC event was quiet but a major debate about the second-best team broke out. Out West, the Pac-12 clearly is trying to fix it's image problem and part of that could be what happens with Clay Helton. All that and more accepted applicants for our Podhead College Fantasy League.

Direct download: C2_072519.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 12:16pm CDT

Talking Season is underway as SEC, AAC and Big 12 media days have wrapped up (we will cover the rest next week). Did Nick Saban make excuses or give us interesting insight? Is the Big 12 handling the Horns Down gesture correctly? What good can come from the SEC having an officiating twitter account? And poor, poor Randy Edsall. Lastly, we debate who should be in our first Cover 2 Podheads College Fantasy League.

Direct download: C2_071819.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 10:54am CDT

The guys address reaction to last week's non-conference podcast with some thoughts and data on conference scheduling. Then we take a fun trip through the hypothetical coaching ranks and what the dominoes would be should some major jobs come open (think: what if Dabo really did take the Bama job?). Lastly, we announce how you can join our college fantasy football league, here's a hint: it won't be easy.

Direct download: C2_071019.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 11:44am CDT

Arguing over non-conference scheduling is an old college football tradition. Especially, now that a committee scrutinizes resumes with a fine tooth comb. So, based on our preseason rankings, we wanted to see exactly which leagues are doing it right. Of course, all of this changes as the season goes along but setting the preseason benchmark is important. Additionally, how do we feel about allowing celebrations in college football?

Direct download: C2_070319.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 10:26am CDT