Athlon U: The College Football Podcast

Steven Lassan and Braden Gall talk college football. We take our annual dream road trip to the conferences in 2024 (now that they are huge). You have to see all 18 teams and can only see a team a maximum of two times while going to a different stadium each week. What the most important games in the Big Ten in 2024 and what did we learn about the upcoming schedule?

Direct download: C2_032524_Final.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 7:15am CST

Steven Lassan and Braden Gall talk college football. The SEC and Big Ten have successfully strong-armed a new playoff format, TV contract and revenue sharing model into place. Packaged with a new ACC lawsuit, what does it all mean for college football? Texas A&M steals a Nebraska alumni, will we change how we evaluate head coaches and how many legit QB battles are taking place this spring?

Direct download: C2_031924_Final.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 4:00am CST

Steven Lassan and Braden Gall talk college football. The SEC-Big Ten negotiating tactics are on full display currently as we debate 12 or 14 teams. Where it will land seems obvious. Then we look at the most unpredictable teams in each major conference as we head into magazine production. Which teams could surprise and be this year's TCU? And which teams could implode and be this year's other TCU?

Direct download: C2_030424_Final.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 4:00am CST